Canoe Series

Canoe Journey 20x12 $250.00
Canoe journey circa 1915, of my great grand aunt, age 5. The trip was from Rockport Washington to South Vancouver Island to visit friends and family. Oil on canvas.
Summer Catch 18x18 $700
In the days of canoes, on the ocean netting g salmon was a big part of the harvest, marine life was harvested to depths of 500 feet, knowledge and skill using skills passed down from generations
Otters Guarding, Allowing Canoe to Pass 48x36 $800
Otter spirits guarding an area, and permission was granted for the canoes to safely pass o to a guarded area.
Fisherman Feeding the Village 18x23 $700
Gathering a large haul of salmon, in the days of plenty,
Canoes at Rest 28x40 $800
Canoes at rest at a gathering, from the deep mountains to oceans , transportation was by canoe, families would gather from hundreds of miles around for celebration and re affirmation Of family and friends.
Canoe Traveling with Spirits 36x48 $1,500
A canoe on the broad flats of a low tide, at rest, in the clouds can be seen the spirits of canoes that export this family in their journey, blessed by their care.
After the Storm - Open Seas 18x20 $600
The aftermath of a very rough storm, catching the canoe journey in the high seas, as they desperately attempt to deal with the storm.Alone on the seas there was no one to help in a crisis. If a canoe went missing in a storm or a journey down river, all may have been lost and their lives a mystery .